My daughters very first session with Helen was so rewarding from that moment onwards she has never looked back. Helen then went on to help my son with some issues he was having and alongside all that became a wonderful support to me as a parent. I am forever indebted to her for improving our quality of family life to the degree she has.
Rebecca (Mum)
Hi Helen,
Just wanted to get in touch to say thank you for the help you have given me. I was scared to work on some stuff, but your guidance and support has enabled me to work out what was stopping me. Your education on anxiety really helped me a lot and I can now manage my anxiety much better.
Ben (Teenager)
Dear Helen
I wanted to say thank you for helping me through one of the most difficult times that I have been through. You taught me that I shouldn't be so hard on myself and that I can do anything I put my mind to. You showed me how to see the bright side of things and how to be at peace with myself.
I passed my GCSEs with A* and B's and I'm going to sixth form to do Maths, Biology and Psychology. I will always be grateful for how much you helped me.
Rose (Teenager)
To be honest, the visits I had with your self changed my life and like to thank you I still have some ups n downs but I am managing them a lot better
Trauma client - Bob
The trauma workshop today was fantastic. It helped to reaffirm many things I've already learned and offered a non-judgemental environment in which discussions could naturally evolve. Helen, I think you're truly remarkable. I wish I could have met you years ago.
Mel - workshop attendee
Our daughter had been struggling with all the usual teenage angsts and issues, but nothing that we really thought out of the ordinary. Then she broke up with her boyfriend, that seemed to be the final straw.
She said she wanted to see a therapist; I thought this was a bit extreme and wasn’t too sure how her Dad would take to the idea. Then I discovered that she’d been self-harming. I found Helen through the counselling directory, and am so very glad we did. The difference in our daughter has been amazing. She is so much more pleasant to be around, gone is the “so unfair” teenager. The relationship between her and her Dad has improved no end.
The most important difference however has been in her own disposition and state of mind; her whole outlook on life is so much better; she is in a happy place within herself.We are all so grateful to Helen, the help and guidance she has given our daughter has improved all our family life.
Catherine (Mum)